Imagine if you called for help and nobody responded. How terrified would it make you feel to realize you were all alone? Well what I’m speaking of here is far more important than that.We’re speaking of eternity. I’m talking about someone’s life…
"C’mon, partner, we need to go!"
"Unh uh, I’m not going."
"Right. Put your boots on, man. I’ll be in the truck."
"I’m serious. I wanna see the end of this game."
His partner gazed at him, incredulous, as if trying to see the humor in a sick joke without a punchline. At first his face revealed confusion, and then a small degree of anger, and then outright disbelief. "You what?"
"I want to see this game."
"Medic-seven?" the dispatcher exclaimed. The station radio crackled as if to emphasize the frustration in her voice. "Are you en route yet?"
"Don’t answer her."
"What? We can’t just ignore this, man. We have to go!"
"Look, I’m not wasting my time on another silly call. It’s a cardiac arrest for crying out loud. There’s nothing we can do for the poor guy anyway."
The radio crackled again. "Medic-seven?"
"Seven to dispatch—stand by please." His partner’s expression deepend. A stern frown soured his face. "Are you insane? Do you realize what you’re doing?"
"Sure I do."
"Seven," his partner answered, his voice revealing total confusion. "I-I’m sorry, but you’ll have to send another unit. It’s my partner, he’s…well he’s refusing to take this call." A few seconds of uncomfortable silence passed before the radio erupted in a swarm of heated responses. The dispatcher, their supervisor, the fire department squad unit already en route to the scene—everyone fighting for radio space trying to understand the madness taking place. His partner stared at him dumbfounded. "I can’t believe this, man! Someone’s life is on the line and you’re just gonna sit there and watch that game?"
"Sit down and relax. Ignore it. It’ll go away."
Sound ridiculous? Well sure it does. But what if it really happened? I mean what if you dialed 911 and nobody came? Be pretty scary, huh? Well don’t worry, no serious first responder would ever consider ignoring an emergent call. In fact, as a whole, EMS personnel are some of the most dedicated people I know. They jump into action whenever the tones sound, regardless of the weather, or the time of day, or of how crummy they might be feeling at the moment. They jump, and as a result lives are changed. Many are saved. And yet I wonder, do these people care as much for themselves as they do for others?
You guys understand what I’m talking about. All of you firefighters. You police officers and paramedics. And all you ER nurses and doctors. You understand the importance of diligence. That another’s life may hang in the balance each time you’re called to act. You do it because you care. But I have a question for you—what about you?
Jesus said, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock."
Will you dare to answer it? Will you respond with the same diligence that you would an everyday call? I mean, listen! This is the call of your life! It will determine your ultimate destiny. Where you’ll spend eternity. So will you open the door? Answer Christ’s call and let him in? Or will you sit there and ignore him and hope he simply goes away?
When Peter and Andrew heard Christ’s call they jumped. They followed him. And on their backs Christ built his church. If Jesus Christ is knocking on the door of your heart today, please don’t ignore him. Do as they did. Respond to his call. You must, for someone’s life depends on it…
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