Ps 91:-1-2
My father once told me a story of a squadron of WWII fighter pilots. The commander, a devout Christian, had the men memorize Psalm 91—a beautiful poem of God’s promise of protection, His angels, and the fortress He provides His people against the perils of life. Every morning the men stood as a unit and recited the passage before climbing into their planes and flying off to fight. And as the story goes, not one of them was injured during the course of the war. Every man returned safely to his home.
That story changed my life…
"Kim, have you seen Dan?"
"No," my wife responded. "I thought he was with you."
I sighed and walked through the house calling my son’s name. I was used to it. Dan was a rascal. He was three years old, full of life, and we were late for church.
"Danny," I called. "Where are you, buddy?"
I grunted, walked outside and called him again.
I trotted around the house shouting his name.
Still nothing.
"Dan?" I yelled. "Where are you?"
Panic gripped me.
"Kim," I shouted. "I can’t find him!"
My wife ran outside to join me and together we began a frantic search. Suddenly we heard a small voice. I ran to the side yard and saw him walking from our neighbor’s house. He held an apple in his hand and a huge smile on his face. "Look, Daddy."
"Dan," I said. "Where have you been?"
I picked him up and hugged him. I felt overjoyed. Relieved beyond words. My son was safe at home and that was all that mattered. We talked about it, of course. It was a short discussion, after all, he was only a child; but my father and I had another talk, and it wasn’t so short.
"Son," he said. "Listen to me. You won’t always be there to watch over Dan. He’s going to grow up, move out and have his own children, and someday, God forbid, no matter how much you pray for him, something bad could happen. That’s just life. You need to learn to trust the Lord."
And then he told me that story—the squadron…and Psalm 91.
"Do what those pilots did," he said. "Memorize it, and then let Dan go. God will watch over him."
That was twenty years ago. Kim and I have two sons now—Dan and Phillip. And they did grow up. And they ventured out. And today they’re healthy and happy and doing just fine. And to this day, I still murmur those precious words I memorized so long ago:
"Lord, hold them in the palm of your hand. Give your angels charge over them today, please. Cover them with your feathers that under your mighty wings they might trust."
I realize that life happens, and that despite my prayers, something could happen to one of my boys today, but I also know with certainty that if it should, my God will be watching over them at the time.
Is there someone you’re holding on to just a little too tight? Are you afraid, like I was, to let them go? Well don’t be afraid. Trust the Lord. Memorize Psalm 91 and recite it every day. Then let go. And if something should happen to your loved one, if tragedy strikes and they never do come home again, you’ll know in your heart that God was with them. They were covered by his feathers, tucked securely under the shelter of His mighty wing.
He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him I will trust."
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